March 22, 2023 at 4:21 pm | Updated April 24, 2023 at 3:39 pm | 6 min read
Our latest conversation with Jonathan Cumming, a plant physiologist from the Center for Bioenergy Innovations (CBI), reveals the latest breakthrough in sustainable biofuels. This article delves into CBI’s fascinating mission to turn lignin into aviation fuel. From genetic manipulations to selecting genotypes with beneficial traits, Jonathan shares insights into the project’s innovative approaches to optimizing native plants for fuel production. Discover fungi’s crucial role in helping plants survive in extreme environments and the cutting-edge root imaging system used to improve resource extraction. This is a must-read for any plant researcher interested in staying current on the latest technology and advancements in the industry.
Jonathans Insights
Scott: Hi Jonathan, thanks for taking the time to chat with me today. I’m interested to hear more about what you do, the problems you’re working on, and how you’ve used our instrument to help with that.
Jonathan: Sure, I’m part of a research consortium called the Center for Bioenergy Innovation, or CBI. It’s funded by the Department of Agriculture and runs out of Oak Ridge National Lab. There are 13 institutions involved and around 270 people on the project. Our goal is to go from lignin to aviation fuel. Lignin is a compound found in wood.
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Scott: Ah, I see. So you want to turn lignin into aviation fuel. Can you tell me more about that?
Jonathan: Yes, well, trees capture energy from the sun through photosynthesis and store it in wood. We used wood to power locomotives, and the first iron horses that ran across the country were powered by wood. Cellulose and lignin are the two main compounds in plants that store carbon. They’re like fossil fuels but in a less dense form. Fossil fuels come from compressing wood for eons until it liquefies and turns into a different form of carbon. If we can go straight from the tree to the fossil fuels, it would help alleviate our atmospheric CO2 problem.
Scott: I see. But how would that help us circumvent the carbon issue if we’re still burning fuel?
Jonathan: The process would be carbon neutral. Trees capture CO2, which is then reduced to CH and becomes fuel. The fuel is burned back to CO2, which is then captured by the trees again. It’s a big circle.
Scott: Interesting. Well, where are you guys at in that process first?
Jonathan: It works. So what we’re doing at CBI is we’re using native plants as our feedstock. So we’re using poplar and switchgrass, just two grasses from the prairies, and the poplars are from all over the world. We’ve screened genotypes for various traits that are beneficial for production.
We are looking for a few genotypes: fast growth rate, stress resistance, ability to function with low water availability, or low nutrients. This is so we can grow them without input. Once you start putting inputs, or you must fertilize, you’re losing a lot of carbon again. Lost due to the energy-intensive process of making fertilizers.
The idea is to select trees normally, as this tree does well on those sites. Then we take that genotype from the tree that did well and identify the genes that underlie the traits we need. We can then modify the trees by doing genetic manipulations.
So, for example, we can make a tree produce more roots by modifying its gene expression. By having more roots, they can get more nutrients out of the soil and more water out of the soil. On top of that, we can have a different tree that has a disease. Trees tend to have pests; they’re a pain in the butt, especially poplars; they’re very tasty.
Jonathan: But there are individual trees with genes that make stuff in their leaves that are poisonous to insects. So, we select those genes and put them into the same plant. Now, we have a tree that has what’s called stacked genes. We have created a plant that makes more roots and is disease resistant. Now we have exactly what’s needed to put out on a plantation.
Scott: Okay. Got you.
Scott: You only use native plants for research, right? I was thinking about fast-growing species like bamboo, but that wouldn’t work for your project?
Jonathan: That’s correct. We’re only using native plants. I’m not sure what the original selection criteria were since I joined the project in the middle of it. But I think it was about 15 years ago when they decided only to use native trees; it was driven by some chance and the start of the scientific genetic revolution. The story goes that they had sequenced Arabidopsis, these small model native plants, but they weren’t using it for anything. So they decided to try sequencing a tree instead. They chose the Nisqually one, a well-known poplar tree that grows in the northwestern USA and up to Alaska and Canada. It’s a fast-growing species with many genetic variations, perfect for identifying good traits such as disease and stress resistance. We can also genetically manipulate it and produce a lot of identical plants through cuttings. And yes, these trees can grow up to 10 feet per year in height.
Scott: The process from cutting to harvesting the trees can vary depending on the management plan, right?
Jonathan: Yes, that’s correct. It depends on the use of the trees. We want to ensure we cut them when they are growing quickly and before they start to decline, which typically happens after they get crowded and shade each other. In our research plantations, we usually cut every three years.
Scott: That’s interesting. And you’re trying to optimize the trees to produce as much fuel as possible, right?
Jonathan: Yes, exactly. We discussed this six weeks ago, and we can easily produce a liter of jet fuel at a lab scale with what we produce. But there are many steps between that and producing 10 or 100 gallons, which we’re working towards. We must make enough fuel for the industry standard trials, which require much fuel to put in the engine and burn. It’s magic that an airplane that weighs so much can fly, consuming a lot of fuel – up to a gallon a second.
Scott: I see. That’s interesting.
Scott: So, Jonathan, how did you get involved with this project?
Jonathan: Well, as a plant physiologist specializing in plant stress, I’ve always been interested in studying the limits of life and love looking at life in extreme environments. My focus has been on plants and fungi and how they interact and grow in challenging conditions like polluted soils, old coal mines, and other harsh environments. The project needed stress-resistant trees, so they approached me to join.
Scott: Speaking of extreme environments, I’ve been to Utah for a camping trip right before Christmas for the past few years, and it’s always amazing to see how life grows in such harsh conditions. The trees that grow on top of the red rocks look like bonsai trees. It’s fascinating.
Jonathan: It is fascinating to see those trees growing on rocks. However, it’s not just the trees that are interesting; it’s the symbiotic fungi that grow on the roots that give them the ability to survive in such environments.
Scott: Really? I had no idea. Can you explain more about how fungi help plants survive?
Jonathan: Millennia ago, the fungi were on land, eating rocks when everything else was still in the ocean. Then some algae-related organisms washed up on the beach, and the fungi saw it as a carbon source. They tried to attack it, but it had some chemicals that prevented it from being attacked. The algae needed phosphorus, and the fungi ate the rocks and the plants, so they set up a barter system. The algae said, “I’ll fix sunlight for you if you give me phosphorus,” and that’s how their symbiotic relationship began.
Scott: Wow, that’s incredible. It’s amazing how life can survive in even the harshest environments.
Jonathan: Yes, it’s similar to how our microbiome helps us survive. We wouldn’t be here without it. The symbiotic relationship between the fungi and the plant is a whole different set of genomes and genes that can give the plant a different structure, change how its roots function, and affect its morphology. It’s truly fascinating.
Scott: You own the Root Imaging System, correct?
Jonathan: Yes, we’re using it to select genotypes with more roots to improve resource extractive efficiency. We also want to ensure our mycorrhiza is still abundant for stress resistance and nutrient absorption. The system helps us look at root turnover to avoid roots dying and turning over too fast.
Scott: Okay, got it. We are running out of time; it was nice talking to you.
Jonathan: Likewise.
The Center for Bioenergy Innovation’s research, as revealed by Jonathan Cumming, presents a significant breakthrough in sustainable biofuels with the potential to revolutionize the aviation industry. With a focus on native plants, the project’s innovative techniques offer a sustainable and carbon-neutral solution to traditional fossil fuels. This approach reduces greenhouse gas emissions and can positively impact local ecosystems by using plants already adapted to the environment. As such, this research has significant implications for reducing our carbon footprint, protecting the environment, and securing a more sustainable future.
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