Latest case studies

Comparing the Usability Between CID Bio-Science’s CI-600 Root Imager and an Inexpensive Endoscope

September 20, 2023 at 5:07 pm | Updated September 20, 2023 at 7:10 pm | 12 min read

In the evolving field of agriculture, our tools can significantly influence the outcomes of our research and farming practices. Recently, a comparative study was undertaken to analyze the usability of the CID Bio-Science’s CI-600 Root Imager against a more budget-friendly option, the Depstech ds450 endoscope. Here, we delve into the findings presented in a poster… Continue reading…

Hands manipulating SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer touch screen
Fixed leaf image

Additional reading

Dr. Shinsuke Agehara and his team at University of Florida

Bringing new crops to light by looking below ground

The CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager allows Dr. Shinsuke Agehara and his team at University of Florida to develop a holistic understanding of established and emerging crops in Florida—from the ground, up.

edible flowers

Peering into plant pigmentation

Using the CI-710s SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer, Dr. Catherine Simpson and her research team at Texas Tech University are gaining a deeper understanding of the nutritional and physiological qualities of various edible flowers and leafy vegetables over time.


Data-driven assessment of plant response

Using the CI-340 as an integral part of their robust testing platform, Stephanie Wedryk and her team at Rx Green Technologies are able to develop groundbreaking cultivations solutions for the commercial cannabis industry.

Amélie Saillard and her team use the CI-202 Portable Laser Leaf Area Meter

Modeling ecosystem functioning with precise plant data

In conjunction with LECA, PhyloAlps Project and Swiss Federal Research Institute, Amélie Saillard and her team use the CI-202 Portable Laser Leaf Area Meter to measure functional traits throughout the Alps, gathering vital information on each of the nearly 3500 alpine vegetal species.

Rani Susanti

Designing complex orchard systems with user-focused technology

As a Senior Agronomy Scientist at Mars inc., Rany Agustina Susanti and her team extensively used the CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager in their work to improve efficiency of high productivity cacao farms using orchard intensive cropping systems.