September 15, 2016 at 1:17 am | Updated September 16, 2021 at 7:13 am | < 1 min read
CAMAS, WASHINGTON, USA – September 1, 2010 – CID Bio-Science, Inc. announced today that they have been chosen as a primary vendor in the National Science Foundation’s NEON Project.
Agency officials chose CID Bio-Science to provide instruments and software that will render high resolution images and data sets for Microrrhizae and Root Phenology studies. The NEON project will use the CID Bio-Science CI-601 In-Situ Root Scanner. The CI-601 In-Situ Root Scanner is designed for long- term remote monitoring of the rhizospere and can be controlled from any internet connection worldwide, for more information on the CI-601, go to
The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) will collect data across the United States on the impacts of climate change, land use change and invasive species on natural resources and biodiversity. NEON is a project of the U.S. National Science Foundation, with many other U.S. agencies and NGOs cooperating. NEON will be the first observatory network of its kind designed to detect and enable forecasting of ecological change at continental scales over multiple decades. The data NEON collects will be freely and openly available to all users. For more information regarding the NEON Project go to
CID Bio-Science, Inc. is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of instruments for agricultural and environmental research. CID prides itself on designing rugged, portable, field-ready solutions for plant measurement and analysis. For 20 years, CID instruments have been used in the field, in the laboratory, and the International Space Station for plant physiology research. CID instruments are sold and supported by a global network of distributors. For more information please visit
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