Designing complex orchard systems with user-focused technology

Rani Susanti

Scott Trimble

July 2, 2021 at 8:21 pm | Updated April 15, 2022 at 4:38 pm | < 1 min read

Sweetening the industry with targeted research into crop characteristics. 

As a Senior Agronomy Scientist at Mars Inc., Rany Agustina Susanti and her team extensively used the CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager in their work to improve efficiency of high productivity cacao farms using  orchard intensive cropping systems.

Though other options were available, she selected the CI-110 in multiple funding rounds, using legacy instrumentation and then upgrading to the latest version of the technology. Studying cacao orchards in Indonesia, she needed a tool that could measure canopy parameters easily in the field, allowing her team to “go deeper into analysis of specific clones and maximize production in the orchard system.”