September 15, 2016 at 1:34 am | Updated September 16, 2021 at 7:15 am | < 1 min read
Last week we welcomed a film crew from Portland State University to CID headquarters to participate in an upcoming promotional video “PSU Squared.” The new film highlights PSU university graduates and how they are using their degrees in the working world.
Application Scientist Andrea Melnychenko, a featured graduate who interviewed with the crew, had this to say about her day in the spotlight: “I was excited to be featured in the development of a site aimed at drawing students into scientific fields. I had a great experience at PSU, and the interdisciplinary focus of my research prepared me for the job I have now. It’s important to let prospective students know that the educational experiences at the university help prepare you for success in your future career. There is life outside of academia! “
CID has long had a productive relationship with PSU, both in research collaboration and a successful internship program. And no fewer than three PSU alumni work here at CID:
Andrea Melnychenko, Application Scientist and QA Manager – M.S. in Biology
Dan Lee, Embedded Software Developer – M.S. in Computer Science
Ryan LeRud, R&D Technologist – completing his Ph.D. in Physics.
We feel fortunate to have such a strong academic partner in PSU!
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