September 15, 2016 at 1:20 am | Updated March 14, 2022 at 12:18 pm | 2 min read
Katherine is working with Application Scientist and Quality Assurance Manager, Andrea Melnychenko, and will be focusing on characterizing the electrochemical sensor response of our CI-900 Portable Ethylene Analyzer across various conditions. She will also conduct an experiment to quantify root developmental differences under drought conditions using our CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager and CI-690 RootSnap! Analysis Software.
Miguel is working with the engineering department to design the working electrode in the electrochemical sensor used in our portable ethylene analyzer. He will be experimenting with different platinum concentrations on the electrode to try to get the same sensitivity as our current units.
We asked Katherine and Miguel to tell us a little bit about themselves, and here is what they said.
In Katherine’s words:
I am an undergraduate studying bioengineering at Washington State University in Pullman, with an expected graduation date in May 2016. There are many applications of bioengineering, so I am currently exploring the different options I have so I can make an educated decision for my career path. CID Bio-Science offers an excellent opportunity to learn about the plant side of bioengineering, which is new to me because my classes have put more emphasis on medical applications. I am excited to learn about the various instruments at CID and the technologies that make them work.
In Miguel’s words:
I graduated with my Masters in Mechanical Engineering in May of this year from WSUV. My undergraduate degree is in Aerospace from Cal Poly with a minor in math. My interests besides engineering include physics, mathematics, and philosophy but I’m always open to learning new things. I also like to keep myself active by going on hikes, bicycling, and running on my free time. I’m excited to work for CID Bio-Science and have learned so much in the short time I’ve been here by working in the lab and reading through some of the literature. I look forward to learning more about spectroscopy, as well as how the other sensors/instruments made by CID work.
We are thrilled to welcome Katherine and Miguel aboard this summer, and look forward to introducing two more of our interns in the coming weeks!
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