September 15, 2016 at 1:23 am | Updated September 15, 2016 at 1:23 am | < 1 min read
On Friday we had a wonderful call from a happy citrus grower, actually the production director from one of the largest citrus growers in the country. He was quite pleaased with the performance of his CI-900 Ethylene Analyzer evaluation unit which was great to hear however almost as exciting was the opportunity to share the news that the unit that he eventually will receive will perform better still! The newest CI-900s have been improved as follows:
The primary change in the newest CI-900s is support for the additional added sensors which can be included in any combination
• 0-100PPM Low resolution ethylene sensor which brings the range from 0-20 PPM up to 100PPM maximum.
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• 0-2000PPM CO2 sensor
• 0-100% CO2 Sensor
• 0-100% O2 Sensor
However the new hardware and software that support these sensors also provide a more consistent result in the 0-20 ppb range, due primarily to better calibration algorithms.
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