Spectral Imaging and Disease Detection in Eggplant

Disease Detection in Eggplant A group of crop scientists, Srivastava, Roy, Kimothi, Kumar, Sehgal, Mamatha, and Ray wanted to find the vegetative indices and hyperspectral bands with which people could monitor diseases in eggplant, also known as brinjal. Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is the fourth most used fresh produce commodity in the world after potato, onion, and tomato.… Continue reading…

Software Downloads of CI-110

Current Version CI-110 (Embedded Display) Downloads The latest CI-110 software (v1.1.71) can be downloaded from here.   CI-110 Legacy (Stand-alone Display) Downloads 32-bit Information Downloads Serial: 110-2.13-xxxxx or higher Compatibility: Windows 7/8/10 Manual Revision: 3/7/14 v6 software Serial: 110-2.13-xxxxx or higher Compatibility: Windows 7/8/10 Manual Revision: 3/7/14 v5 software v6 driver 32-bit phidget Serial: 110-2.09-xxxxx… Continue reading…

Designing complex orchard systems with user-focused technology

As a Senior Agronomy Scientist at Mars inc., Rany Agustina Susanti and her team extensively used the CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager in their work to improve efficiency of high productivity cacao farms using orchard intensive cropping systems.

Canopy Analysis in Agriculture: Outdoor and Greenhouse Applications

Canopy Analysis in Agriculture: Outdoor and greenhouse applications for disease detection, citrus greening & a comparison of LI-COR’s Canopy Analyzer to CID’s Plant Canopy Imager

Canopy Imaging & Analysis Webinar: Made in the Shade – How 11 Research Studies Us Canopy Analysis

In this webinar, application scientist, Galen George and researchers Derek Godwin (Oregon State University) and Brendon Anthony (Colorado State University) talk about the myriad ways the CID Bio-Science CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager can be used to collect and quanitfy data in environmental and agricultural research.