Latest photosynthesis

Understanding Drought Impact on Crop Yield: Stages, Mechanisms, and Adaptations.

April 1, 2024 at 3:34 pm | Updated April 1, 2024 at 3:34 pm | 12 min read

Drought’s impact on crop yield affects plant stages differently, moderated by genotype and external environmental factors. Very early drought can inhibit germination and seedling establishment, reducing stand density and yield. Drought during reproductive and grain filling can reduce yield quantity and quality more than during the growth phases. Drought is the primary environmental stress crop… Continue reading…

Fixed leaf image

Additional reading

Exploring Plant Nutrient Status: Q&A on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements

This Q&A article explores the fascinating world of chlorophyll fluorescence, a process where plants emit light from energy loss during photosynthesis, and how it relates to plant nutrient status. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements provide valuable insights into plants’ photosynthetic efficiency and overall health, allowing researchers and agriculturalists to optimize nutrient management techniques. By utilizing advanced root… Continue reading…

Advancing Fruit Fly Suppression Research: The Role of the CI-203 Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter

In recent years, fruit fly infestations have posed significant challenges to the agricultural industry, particularly fruit production. Among the problematic species, the Melon Fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) and the Oriental Fruit Fly (B. dorsalis) have been particularly detrimental. Dr. Grant McQuate, a researcher at the USDA in Hilo, Hawaii, has devoted his career to understanding the… Continue reading…

Top 10 Questions Plant Scientists Ask About Photosynthesis Analysis Methods and Tools

Photosynthesis is one of the most important physiological processes for plants and ecosystems. The number of areas and themes are increasing as research on this topic gets multidisciplinary due to its potential applications. Measurement and analysis of photosynthesis are necessary for these studies. This blog covers the top 10 questions plant scientists consider about photosynthesis… Continue reading…

Interesting Photosynthesis Research in 2022

Photosynthesis is crucial for crop yield improvement, forest management, and environmental protection. Increasingly research on photosynthesis is cross-disciplinary. Some studies combine photosynthesis with fields wide apart, like cancer cures, plastic degradation, or computers. Read further about the most striking photosynthesis research emerging last year, 2022.  1. Photosynthesis for cancer cure? Figure 1: Jiang et al.… Continue reading…

How Scientists Measure Terrestrial Carbon Pools  

With the world clamoring to limit climate change, the focus on carbon pools has never been greater. Accurate measurement of carbon pools and tracking changes is crucial for designing and evaluating programs to mitigate global warming or monitor climate change effects. Several approaches exist to measure carbon pools, in which advanced plant instruments are crucial… Continue reading…

Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Importance and Applications

Chlorophyll fluorescence occurring in chloroplasts can give vital information about plant processes and status at the cell, leaf, individual, and regional scales. It is possible to measure this physiological phenomenon by a wide range of means, from portable handheld devices to satellite imagery. It is versatile enough to have crucial crop and natural ecosystem management… Continue reading…