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The Impact of Invasive Species: Managing Threats to Forest Ecosystems

April 15, 2024 at 4:32 pm | Updated April 15, 2024 at 4:32 pm | 12 min read

The Impact of Invasive Species in forests with closed canopy is more resistant to invasion by alien plant species due to limited light in the understory. Invasives’ success depends on species-specific and site-specific factors. Competition for space, water, and nutrients also keeps invasives away. Natural forests are more resistant to invasives than planted or managed… Continue reading…

Fixed leaf image

Additional reading

How Does Climate Change Affect Forest Canopy?

Drought, carbon dioxide levels, and warm temperatures are the factors that impact forest canopy the most. Climate change weakens trees, reduces leaf area, and leads to tree mortality. Increasing wildfires and insect attacks due to drought will alter the canopy completely. Tree canopy degradation can occur due to climate change effects on various levels of… Continue reading…

How Scientists Measure Terrestrial Carbon Pools  

With the world clamoring to limit climate change, the focus on carbon pools has never been greater. Accurate measurement of carbon pools and tracking changes is crucial for designing and evaluating programs to mitigate global warming or monitor climate change effects. Several approaches exist to measure carbon pools, in which advanced plant instruments are crucial… Continue reading…

Discover the Researchers and Professionals Leveraging the Plant Canopy Imager in Their Studies

The CID Bio-Science Plant Canopy Imager is a powerful tool used by researchers, academic institutions, plant physiologists, phytologists, horticulturists, and ecologists to gain a deeper understanding of the plant world. Our infographic provides an in-depth look at the various features and capabilities of the imager, as well as the benefits it offers to researchers in… Continue reading…

Seven Crucial Applications Of Leaf Area Data

Leaf area data is essential to research as the leaf is the largest plant organ involved in several crucial physiological processes and has maximum environmental interaction. Leaf area directly correlates to photosynthetic capacity, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance. Plant growth and biomass accumulation can be predicted using leaf area data. This relationship has applications in… Continue reading…

LAI and Nutrient Levels Affect Douglas Fir Regeneration

If people were assured it is not invasive, introduced Douglas fir, which produces quality wood and can survive summer drought, could become a sustainable species for future forestry  A study compared the regeneration of Douglas fir to other tree species in different native forests and under varying environmental conditions. Douglas fir cannot compete with productive… Continue reading…

The edge of a forest that has been partially clearcut.

How is Human Activity Altering Forest Canopy Dynamics?

Forest disturbance alters microclimate, including light quality and quantity, that can have a far-reaching influence on forest structure and composition. Species need different wavelengths or quality of light for germination. Modulation of light by the canopy influences understory growth. Edge effects favor early succession species. Forests nowadays face unprecedented levels of disturbance from human activity.… Continue reading…

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