Felix Instruments Featured at International Horticultural Congress

Scott Trimble

March 31, 2016 at 12:36 am | Updated September 16, 2021 at 7:21 am | < 1 min read


Researchers from University of California-Davis and CentralQueenslandUniversity presented data using the F-750 to analyze dry matter, color, and sugar content in pre- and post-harvest mangos, tomatoes, and cherries at the “Non-destructive Assessment of Fruit Attributes Symposium” at the IHC. Michael Larman, featured speaker at the symposium, noted that research shows that fruit growers are increasingly turning to the same technologies currently used in packing houses in order to improve the quality and timing of their harvests:

 “Ripeness and flavor are the deciding factors in whether or not a customer buys a fruit, and that decision goes all the way back to the orchard. Traditional QA methods that require sampling and transport to a lab are expensive and out-of-date. One handheld instrument makes the old process obsolete.”

 The IHC, one of the largest horticultural conferences in the world, draws thousands of leading researchers from over 100 countries. This year’s focus on non-destructive sensor solutions at the IHC is indicative of the growing demand for applied technologies in produce management.