Plant science articles

Fixed leaf image

WEBINAR: Why Commercial Agriculture Should Pay Attention to Leaf Spectroscopy in 2021: 3 Novel Uses for Leaf Spectroscopy in Leafy Greens, Berries, and Cut Flowers | SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer

Thursday, October 8, Application Scientist, Galen George, was joined by researchers Catherine Simpson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sustainable/Urban Horticulture at Texas Tech University and Dr. Gerardo Nunez, Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Advisor at the University of Florida, who spoke about their preliminary work with SpectraVue.   Interested in receiving a quote? Request pricing here.

WSU Digital Agriculture Summit 2020

The lights are bright when you’re the star! Here’s a little behind-the-scenes of Leonard in panelist mode at today’s Digital Agriculture Summit 2020, hosted by WSU. What a great opportunity to share, compare, and expand knowledge! .

Emerging Irrigation Methods for Vineyards

In an attempt to improve food production at a time when water resources are getting scarce, scientists are focusing on novel methods to manipulate the physiology of crops. Many deficit irrigation strategies that reduce water use are being tried. One of them is the new partial rootzone irrigation, which can improve water use efficiency, crop… Continue reading…

Food Supply, Climate Change, and Epicuticular Wax

Leaf spectroscopy is used to indirectly get information on several morphological and physiological features of leaves and the plant as a whole. These can help in detecting stress. Though there are several means to measure stress using leaf spectral data, scientists continue looking for species-specific approaches to develop vegetatioin indices that can accurately predict stress… Continue reading…

WEBINAR: New Instrument for Measuring Plant Stress – SpectraVue Preview

Interested in receiving a quote? Request pricing here.

SpectraVue – Behind the Scenes

It feels great to get out in the field with a new instrument. Keep an eye out for our upcoming video featuring the brand new CI-710s SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer! For more information on SpectraVue CLICK HERE.

SNEAK PEEK WEBINAR THIS TUESDAY – New Instrument to Measure & Analyze Plant Stress in Real-Time

Join us Spetember 1st, 8:00AM PST, for a preview of the newest instrument in the CID Bio-Science lineup: The SpetraVue Leaf Spectrometer! Built for agronomists, plant physiologists, ecologists, and educators, the all new SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer enables users to measure and analyze plant stress in the field, in real-time. The hand-held instrument, which includes an 7″… Continue reading…

How Stress at Early Stages Affects Plants

Stress is part of life for plants. They could face drought, pests, diseases, and sometimes salinity. If plants are impacted when they are young, they may never fully recover. These common problems, which can adversely affect plant productivity, can be both beneficial and detrimental to people, depending on the species of the plants. This is… Continue reading…

Shedding Light on Photosynthesis: How researchers are using photosynthesis in 2020 + guest researcher Stephanie Wedryk, Director of R&D, RX Green

We had another exciting webinar this week where we reviewed studies about the use of photosynthesis in today’s world! Our guest speaker, Stephanie Wedryk, with RX Green Technologies, also spoke about her specific use of photosynthesis in the Cannabis industry! We loved seeing everyone’s participation during the Q&A session at the end as well and… Continue reading…


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