Plant science articles

Fixed leaf image

INTERVIEW: SpectraVue Launch With Fresh Plaza

Let’s talk about SpectraVue – the new leaf spectrometer for research and agriculture! Application Scientist, Galen George, and Fresh Plaza’s North America Editor, Marieke Hemmes sit down for a chat about the new SpectraVue Leaf Spectrometer and its applications in agriculture. Read the article in Fresh Plaza. Interested in receiving a quote? Request pricing here.

Root Analysis in the Field: Industries & Uses

Crops, Nutrients, Irrigation & Root Analysis Analysis of the root system is important in ensuring sustainable crop production, reducing nutrient input and irrigation, and protecting soil carbon pools. Getting rapid and frequent images of what is happening underground can help people make timely decisions about agricultural practices to maintain plant health and ensure the judicious… Continue reading…

Stock photography of faculty and labs at the Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) on Wednesday, May 29th, 2019.

How the University of Florida Uses 200 Root Tube Installations with the CI-602 Root Imager

The University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), Plant Root Biology Laboratory led by Dr. Lorenzo Rossi is located at the Indian River Research and Education Center (UF/IFAS IRREC) in Fort Pierce, Florida. Situated in the heart of the premiere grapefruit growing region of the world, the lab primarily uses the CI-602… Continue reading…

How to Analyze Photosynthesis in Plants: Methods and Tools

Photosynthesis: Why is it important? Life as we know it would be impossible without photosynthesis. Outside of providing the essential elements that support life on earth, photosynthesis is of special importance to the food and agriculture industry, as well as for ecologists studying climate change. In addition, there are many commercial enterprises which depend heavily… Continue reading…

The Latest Advances in Photosynthesis Measurement

Photosynthesis Update 2019 Photosynthesis is undoubtedly one of the most important physiological processes on Earth. It is the process by which plants, algae, and bacteria produce food. Photosynthesis makes these organisms the primary producers of the earth, as all other organisms feed on them for their energy source. People depend on this important process for… Continue reading…

NIR & Spectroscopy in Agriculture & Crop Science

According to a review by Dr. Crocombe, hand-held spectrometers have historically been used by only small groups of people, such as analytical and drug companies. These days, spectroscopy is available in simple low cost devices for a multitude of applications for scientists and non-scientists alike. One of the most prominent uses of spectroscopy has been… Continue reading…

Leaf Spectroscopy

The Vast Applications for Spectroscopy in Plant Research Spectroscopy is a precise and non-destructive technique that can tell us about several processes going on in plants and trees. After being integrated into small handheld devices, it can provide instant and accurate results in the field, forests, and laboratories. It replaces several conventional methods, which were… Continue reading…

Detecting Plant Root Diseases & Pests

Early detection means early root disease control Soil-borne pests and diseases are harder to detect than those on the aerial parts of a plant. Visible symptoms in leaves and stem appear only in the final stages of the attacks. If plants are treated at this point, it may be difficult to avoid plant injury, as… Continue reading…

Versatile Uses of Leaf Spectral Information

Leaf spectral signatures are non-destructive and are collected with handheld instruments onsite or with remotely sensed imagery. They have applications that range from basic and applied research to the day-to-day management of farms. Leaf spectral information is used to inform decisions for better control over operations to optimize food, fiber, and timber production. Leaf spectral… Continue reading…

How Leaf Reflectance Measures Plant Stress

Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) can be measured remotely to estimate several types of stress and nutrient deficiency in plants. It has been shown that PRI is an indicator of photosynthetic efficiency, which changes when plants face stress. Portable but accurate spectrometers that can make easy and rapid measurements of leaf spectral interactions help in establishing… Continue reading…