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Rani Susanti

Designing complex orchard systems with user-focused technology

As a Senior Agronomy Scientist at Mars inc., Rany Agustina Susanti and her team extensively used the CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager in their work to improve efficiency of high productivity cacao farms using orchard intensive cropping systems.

INTERVIEW: Reaching into the Rhizosphere – Root Studies Impacting Commercial Peach and Citrus

University of Florida Plant Root Biologist Dr. Lorenzo Rossi sits down with CID Application Scientist Galen George to discuss commercially impactful root research on Florida peach cultivation, and HLB-affected citrus trees using the CI-602 Narrow Gauge Root Imager. ABOUT DR. ROSSI Dr. Lorenzo Rossi is an Assistant Professor affiliated with the Horticultural Sciences Department and located… Continue reading…

Root Imaging and Genotype Selection in Marshlands Restoration Project

In an effort to restore ailing marshlands, a group of scientists turned their focus to not only selecting appropriate native species, but also understanding specific genotypes that could hold their own against the invasive common reed. Several root investigations were conducted in a bid to find the mechanism that helped the dominant genotype succeed against… Continue reading…

Canopy Cover and Mercury Sequestration in Tropical Forests

Mercury pollution, which has increased due to anthropogenic activities, can spread far from its sources. Knowing how tropical forests solve this issue is important, as these ecosystems are valuable carbon sinks which keep pollutants out of circulation. However, there are many gaps in the understanding of mercury flux in tropical forests. A team of scientists… Continue reading…

Root Growth and Nitrogen Treatments in Wheat Crop Rotation

Increasing yield has been and continues to be the holy grail in crop breeding. Aided by minirhizotrons, root scanning is increasingly used to understand underlying causes, such as root growth response to management practices. This approach could help to achieve higher yields without increasing nitrogen inputs. In one such attempt, a team of scientists in… Continue reading…

[WEBINAR RECORDING] AppBuilder – The Next Generation of NIR Data Analysis & Model Building

Taking a huge step forward with the addition of artificial neural networking (ANN) and enabling easier, more tailored data collection via a customizable user interface, the newly released AppBuilder offers advanced features, enabling users to build better, more robust models in less time. [RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE] Join us Thursday, May 6th at 8:00 AM PDT and… Continue reading…

Light Interception and Nitrogen Fertilization to Increase Maize Yield

The yield response of maize to excessive fertilizers has plateaued and with it the economic returns. To avoid further resource waste in smart farming, crop scientists are trying to correlate yield to how plants intercept light and allocate dry matter to grains. In two studies, a plant canopy imager measured the effect of crop density… Continue reading…

Adaptive Strategies – Leaf Area and Physiological Plasticity in Drought

It is becoming increasingly important for ecologists and agronomists to understand how plants adapt to drought. Natural adaptations, which help a plant withstand changing climate, are now not just of theoretical interest but are also relevant for maintaining and improving agricultural production and ecosystem conservation. Leaf area can be an indicator or strategy for drought… Continue reading…

Hemispherical Photography for Silviculture and Forest Inventory

Canopy parameters are measured during forest inventories and to make silviculture recommendations. Despite the rise of satellite imagery and aerial photos, field estimation of trees and stands remain popular. Recently improved field-based methods, like hemispherical photography, can be powerful additions to the forester’s toolkit. So, how is hemispherical photography helpful in the forests? How Hemispherical… Continue reading…

INTERVIEW: Cacao Undercover – Optimizing Cacao Orchard Systems using the CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager

Application Scientist, Eric Munoz sits down with Agronomy Scientist, Rany Agustina Susanti to discuss her research using the CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager and what it means for the cacao industry today. ABOUT RANY Rany Agustina Susanti is a former Senior Agronomy Scientist at Mars Inc. and final year PhD student, specializing in cacao physiology at the School of Agriculture,… Continue reading…

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