Plant science articles

Precision Forestry in 2023 – A Revolution in Intensive Management
Precision forestry uses advanced data collection and analysis systems to allow site-specific management of forests. This new approach to forestry is being used to replace the traditional system that has remained unchanged for nearly three centuries. It is relevant for managing monoculture plantations and semi-natural forests for producing goods, such as wood and biomass production,… Continue reading…
Advances in Photosynthesis Measurement 2023
Photosynthesis is undoubtedly one of the most important physiological processes on earth. It is how plants, algae, and bacteria produce food. Photosynthesis makes these organisms the primary producers of the earth, as all other organisms feed on them for their energy source. People depend on this important process for most of their needs: food, fiber,… Continue reading…
Correcting Misconceptions in Rootstock Propagation
To make citrus more resistant to root disease, easy and large-scale production of appropriate rootstocks is necessary. A novel experiment to study root growth and architecture of rootstocks propagated from seeds, cuttings, and tissue culture needed a non-destructive tool for underground data collection. The scientists used a minirhizotron, and their findings provide significant information for… Continue reading…
Studying Oak Response to Light Variability in Forests with a Portable Laser Leaf Area Meter
Leaf area measurements, along with other leaf dimensions, are important parameters to establish morphological plasticity in trees with a broad climatic range. In one such experiment, Iranian scientists decided to use a Leaf Area Meter to get precise data rapidly. This laser-based forestry technology helped scientists understand how trees adapt to light and could have applications in… Continue reading…
Predictive Modeling in Forestry – Light Extinction, LAI, and the CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager
Precise and portable scientific devices that can non-destructively and rapidly record complex data in the field are becoming integral to forest research. These tools have miniaturized sophisticated technology for simultaneous data collection and data analysis. Find out how the CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager helped forest scientists achieve a breakthrough in producing accurate predictive models for remote imagery… Continue reading…
Hemispherical Photography to Estimate Leaf Area Index in Cotton
Non-destructive hemispherical photography provides a rapid and efficient means of collecting information on several eco-physiological features of plants. Scientists are eager to expand the use of this method to estimate the Leaf Area Index in annual crops. Testing the technique provides answers, but it also raises fresh challenges. A reliable standard tool, such as the CI-110… Continue reading…
Minirhizotron as a Tool to Measure Root Turnover
Fine root turnover is important for the nutrient acquisition of trees and in nutrient cycling for the entire ecosystem. Hence, it is important to understand how elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are influencing root turnover in high altitude forests. Special tools, suited to non-destructive and repeated data collection, are crucial to the success of… Continue reading…
Measuring How Microclimate Affects Turmeric Yield
Turmeric is integrated as an under-canopy cash crop in agroforestry, as it is considered to be tolerant to light shade. The microclimate created by canopy trees differs, so it is important to find which species creates the optimum growing conditions for turmeric. Finding out the amount of light that is transmitted to the under-canopy is… Continue reading…
Photo Friday: Leaf Area in the Alps
The first Photo Friday of the year has arrived! Here’s to a groundbreaking 2021! About the photos: In conjunction with the LECA, PhyloAlps Project and Swiss Federal Research Institute (WSL), Louise Boulangeat measures functional traits throughout the Alps to model ecosystem functioning in order to better understand the link between human activities, biodiversity, and climate… Continue reading…
Cassava Cultivation and the Photosynthesis Process in Drought
To meet the needs of a growing population, society faces the challenge of increasing crop production with reduced resources. This challenge is further complicated by increasingly extreme weather conditions induced by climate change. Even crops such as cassava that are adapted to drought have recorded decreases in yield. In Latin America, a group of scientists… Continue reading…