Latest roots

Using Minirhizotrons in Wetland Studies
Understanding underground carbon fluxes in wetlands has been challenging since the standard methods have primarily been destructive. Non-destructive minirhizotrons were tested as a possible solution to studying underground dynamics. Minirhizotron installation, anchorage, image capture and analysis, and data upscaling recommendations are made to meet the needs of the unique environment of wetlands. A Methodological Framework… Continue reading…
Root Respiration: Importance and Applications
Definition of Root Respiration Plant respiration happens not only in the leaves, but also through the root system. In root systems, oxygen (O2) in soil pores diffuses into the root hairs and gets transported to all parts of the roots. Plant roots use photosynthates during respiration for their various functions, like nutrient uptake and maintaining… Continue reading…
Root Dynamics and Mycorrhizal Amelioration of Root Stress
The pollution caused by modern mining efforts is well documented, but the practice can also disturb soil structure and damage root systems, hampering restoration efforts in coal mines.
Reaching into the Rhizosphere – CID Minirhizotron Studies Impacting Commercial Peach and Citrus
University of Florida Plant Root Biologist Dr. Lorenzo Rossi sits down with CID Application Scientist Galen George to discuss commercially impactful root research on Florida peach cultivation, and HLB-affected citrus trees using the CI-602 Narrow Gauge Root Imager.
Precision Forestry in 2023 – A Revolution in Intensive Management
Precision forestry uses advanced data collection and analysis systems to allow site-specific management of forests. This new approach to forestry is being used to replace the traditional system that has remained unchanged for nearly three centuries. It is relevant for managing monoculture plantations and semi-natural forests for producing goods, such as wood and biomass production,… Continue reading…
Back to Our Roots: Root research now and into the future [FULL WEBINAR]
During this time of social distancing, let’s come together (virtually) to talk about root research! Special guest researcher Dr. Lorenzo Rossi of the University of Florida, along with our application scientist, Galen George, review real life situations where root research has been used and will discuss where it’s headed in the future. 4 published studies… Continue reading…
CI-600 Non-Destructive Root Imager Demonstration for Plant Root Analysis
The CI-600 and CI-602 Root Imagers enable researchers to non-destructively analyze root systems, mycorrhizae and soil conditions.