Latest roots

Understanding Fine Root Dynamics: Key Insights and Methodologies

April 29, 2024 at 5:15 pm | Updated April 29, 2024 at 5:15 pm | 12 min read

Fine roots have a diameter of 0.1–2 mm and are essential for nutrient acquisition for individual plants and carbon and nutrient cycling for ecosystems. Research shows fine roots are not a single group; root order determines form, anatomy, physiology, and function. Fine root age is another significant factor that influences functioning and dynamics. Though fine… Continue reading…

Fixed leaf image

Additional reading

Minirhizotron Systems for Root Disease Detection

Root diseases are a significant issue in reducing crop yields globally. The damage and symptoms caused by root diseases change morphology and growth dynamics that images and scans can detect. Minirhizotron systems can detect a wide range of root changes reflecting various levels of root disease severity, providing a novel detection method. Root diseases are… Continue reading…

Fine Root Biomass Dynamics in Brackish Marsh Vegetation

In this article, we delve into a pivotal study conducted in the unique environment of a cool-temperate brackish marsh. The research, titled “Estimation of fine root biomass using a minirhizotron technique among three vegetation types in a cool-temperate brackish marsh,” offers crucial insights into the complex world beneath our feet – the intricate and often… Continue reading…

The Root Traits Reducing Landslide Susceptibility

Stabilization of slope hillsides is one of the crucial ecosystem functions of roots. Roots modify mechanical and hydrological soil properties to reduce landslide susceptibility, which is one of the main benefits of root traits reducing landslide susceptibility. Roots reinforce soil, provide structural support, deepen anchoring, and help to dry soils quickly after rains. Several underlying… Continue reading…

Root Systems and Resilience: Exploring the Minirhizotron’s Role in the Root2Res Project

We are thrilled to share this insightful video produced by Arvalis, which explores the critical role of root systems in addressing climate change. Utilizing our CI-600 Minirhizotron system, Arvalis has conducted pioneering research that delves into the heart of plant production. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in this project, from the researchers… Continue reading…

Comparing the Usability Between CID Bio-Science’s CI-600 Root Imager and an Inexpensive Endoscope

In the evolving field of agriculture, our tools can significantly influence the outcomes of our research and farming practices. Recently, a comparative study was undertaken to analyze the usability of the CID Bio-Science’s CI-600 Root Imager against a more budget-friendly option, the Depstech ds450 endoscope. Here, we delve into the findings presented in a poster… Continue reading…

How Rootstocks Affect Graft Hydraulic Balance

Rootstocks of different genotypes have varying hydraulic conductance. Rootstock’s hydraulic conductivity will influence a scion’s water relations. Rootstocks influence a scion’s hydraulic conductance through its root system size and vigor, hydraulic signaling, and direct signaling. Dwarfing and drought tolerance are the two impacts of a rootstock’s hydraulic conductance on grafted trees. Grafting scions to rootstocks… Continue reading…