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Non-Destructive Root Imaging – Webinar and Live Demo

Webinar Transcription Alright, so, we are just about a full house here already. So, we’ll get started with the presentation. As you should be able to see on your screen, it should say, “A Change of View: Using Root Imaging to Expand your Research by CID Bio-Science.” Online with me is actually our distribution manager,… Continue reading…

CI-600 Webinar: Live Demonstration

CI-600 Non-Destructive Root Imager Demonstration for Plant Root Analysis

The CI-600 and CI-602 Root Imagers enable researchers to non-destructively analyze root systems, mycorrhizae and soil conditions.  

Grasslands Research Featuring CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager and RootSnap! Published in Invasive Plant and Science Management

University of Nebraska researchers Chengchou Han and Stephen L. Young have published their article “Root Growth of Two Perennial Grass Types and Musk Thistle (Carduus nutans) in Temperate Grasslands of North America” in the July/August edition mof Invasive Plant and Science Management. The article details their 2 year study using the CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager and… Continue reading…

What are leaves?

What is a leaf, and what can it tell us about a plant? Why do scientists measure leaf area? Our new “What are leaves & why are they important?” infographic explains everything (click it to make it bigger).

Outposts: CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager at the Arctic Station

Icebergs dot the bay along the coast of Disko Island, home of the University of Copenhagen’s Arctic Station. Here researchers study environmental issues impacting the Polar Regions, including physical geography, botany, and zoological research. Dr. Marie Frost Arndal, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, is heading a research project studying root dynamics in the Arctic.… Continue reading…

CI 203 Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter (Updated 2015)

The CI-203 is, without question, the best leaf area meter in the market. We have also improved the instruments ability to accurately measure delicate leaves, including a feature that allows the researcher to see an image after each measurement to insure a successful scan. Built-in GPS tagging adds a location for each data set and… Continue reading…

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