Plant science articles

Fixed leaf image

The Role of Stomatal Conductance In the Global Carbon Cycle

The global carbon cycle is crucial as it supports the food chain of natural ecosystems and humans. People also depend on the carbon cycle for industrial systems. Excess greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin, carbon dioxide, and methane, are now driving climate change. Like stomatal conductance, green plants’ role and processes are central to the carbon… Continue reading…

A Conversation with Forest Ecophysiologist Sybil Gotsch: Exploring Climate Change and Forest Productivity.

In this conversation between Galen George and Sybil Gotsch, a forest ecophysiologist based at the University of Kentucky, we gain insight into Gotsch’s research on how plants respond to stress and how different communities of plants are impacted by climate change. Gotsch shares her experiences leading fieldwork in Costa Rica and Georgia and her plans… Continue reading…

A Comprehensive Glossary of Plant Science Terms: Delving into the World of Botanical Research

Welcome to the fascinating world of plant science! This comprehensive glossary overviews essential plant research, physiology, and horticulture terms. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or plant enthusiast, understanding these terms will deepen your knowledge and appreciation of plants’ diverse and complex lives. Explore the glossary to discover the mechanisms behind plant growth, reproduction, adaptation, and… Continue reading…

Advancing Fruit Fly Suppression Research: The Role of the CI-203 Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter

In recent years, fruit fly infestations have posed significant challenges to the agricultural industry, particularly fruit production. Among the problematic species, the Melon Fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) and the Oriental Fruit Fly (B. dorsalis) have been particularly detrimental. Dr. Grant McQuate, a researcher at the USDA in Hilo, Hawaii, has devoted his career to understanding the… Continue reading…

Top 10 Questions Plant Scientists Ask About Photosynthesis Analysis Methods and Tools

Photosynthesis is one of the most important physiological processes for plants and ecosystems. The number of areas and themes are increasing as research on this topic gets multidisciplinary due to its potential applications. Measurement and analysis of photosynthesis are necessary for these studies. This blog covers the top 10 questions plant scientists consider about photosynthesis… Continue reading…

The Hidden Half of Plants – A Conversation with Christophe on Root Physiology

Plant researchers have long been fascinated by the hidden half of plants – their root systems. Roots are critical to plant growth and survival, but their functioning is often overlooked. That’s why we were thrilled to speak with Christophe Jourdan, an experienced researcher with almost 30 years of expertise in root physiology. In this blog… Continue reading…

Plant Science Software Master List

Agriculture 4.0, with a focus on precision agriculture, is data-driven. Decisions in agriculture are made based on data collection through advanced technology and precise analysis incorporating the latest scientific models. The data is collected from multiple sources, farms, remotely sensed imagery, and third-party sources. Researchers and agtech providers need software to analyze the vast data… Continue reading…

CID Bio-Science Inc’s Advanced Tools: Providing a Holistic Picture of Plant Performance for Plant Science Research

Multifaceted experiments that examine complex internal plant responses to environment and management are standard and require equally sophisticated measuring and analyzing devices. A new generation of onsite plant science devices gives novel, rapid, and precise insights into above- and below-ground processes to advance and accelerate research. Scientists can use the tools to study diverse morphological… Continue reading…

Turning Trees into Fossil Fuels: An Interview with Jonathan Cumming on Bioenergy Innovation

Our latest conversation with Jonathan Cumming, a plant physiologist from the Center for Bioenergy Innovations (CBI), reveals the latest breakthrough in sustainable biofuels. This article delves into CBI’s fascinating mission to turn lignin into aviation fuel. From genetic manipulations to selecting genotypes with beneficial traits, Jonathan shares insights into the project’s innovative approaches to optimizing… Continue reading…

50 Best Universities for Plant Science

Plant science refers to various research subjects investigating plants, their characteristics, growth, and environmental interaction. Diverse disciplines, from plant systematics, anatomy, genetics, plant biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, ecology, crop science, forestry, nature conservation, and climate change, fall into this category. Students who want to learn state-of-art plant sciences should consider studying at universities recognized… Continue reading…