Plant science articles
What Are the Benefits of High-Density Orchards?
The dwarfing rootstocks that increase tree numbers in high-density orchards have a smaller and shallower root system. Several vital root traits like root length density (RLD), lower root number density (RND), and fewer and smaller fine roots are characteristics of dwarfing rootstocks. The root traits in dwarfing rootstocks lower the vegetative vigor but increase flower… Continue reading…
Canopy Design in Orchards: Improving Fruit Quality and Yield
Canopy design in orchards achieves a targeted tree form using grafts, pruning, and training. Orchards use 3-D canopy designs in low to medium-density orchards. 2-D planar canopy designs are used in high-density planting and to facilitate orchard management by machines and robots. As tree density increases, fruit quality, and resource use efficiency increase to boost… Continue reading…
Can Spectroscopy Predict Leaf Traits Across Ecosystems?
Yes, but with caveats. Leaf traits are used to understand plant growth, functional diversity, and ecosystem processes. Several traits spanning functional groups and geographies can be easily predicted using general models based on spectral data. However, all models cannot have global applications without validation, as the relationship between traits and spectral data is not the… Continue reading…
Understanding the Impact of High Temperatures on Crop Roots
Due to climate change-related high temperatures on crop roots, root architecture is altered. Roots change the carbohydrate/amino acid ratio and lipid metabolism to limit growth disruption and activate heat pathways. Temperature-induced hormone changes trigger signals to activate root responses to stress. Roots must also deal with climate change effects like drought, nutrient deficiency, salinity, and… Continue reading…
Climate Change Effects on Plant Development: Comprehensive Insights
Climate change can alter plants’ roots, vegetation, and reproductive development. Climate change effects on plant development can sometimes be similar across species or depend on tissue, species, genotype, and development stage. Plants are most sensitive to temperature and drought stress effects during the reproductive phase. Several features characterize climate change, like higher concentrations of greenhouse… Continue reading…
Understanding Drought Resistance Strategies: A Guide to Plant Adaptation
Drought Resistance Strategies include any plant mechanism that responds and adapts to drought, commonly called drought resistance. Plants use drought escape mechanisms to prevent encountering climatic established drought conditions by altering their lifespan. Drought avoidance strategies avoid the adverse impacts of mild and acute drought on cells by reducing plant water loss. Stress tolerance mechanisms… Continue reading…
Understanding Fine Root Dynamics: Key Insights and Methodologies
Fine roots have a diameter of 0.1–2 mm and are essential for nutrient acquisition for individual plants and carbon and nutrient cycling for ecosystems. Research shows fine roots are not a single group; root order determines form, anatomy, physiology, and function. Fine root age is another significant factor that influences functioning and dynamics. Though fine… Continue reading…
The Impact of Invasive Species: Managing Threats to Forest Ecosystems
The Impact of Invasive Species in forests with closed canopy is more resistant to invasion by alien plant species due to limited light in the understory. Invasives’ success depends on species-specific and site-specific factors. Competition for space, water, and nutrients also keeps invasives away. Natural forests are more resistant to invasives than planted or managed… Continue reading…
Understanding Drought Impact on Crop Yield: Stages, Mechanisms, and Adaptations.
Drought’s impact on crop yield affects plant stages differently, moderated by genotype and external environmental factors. Very early drought can inhibit germination and seedling establishment, reducing stand density and yield. Drought during reproductive and grain filling can reduce yield quantity and quality more than during the growth phases. Drought is the primary environmental stress crop… Continue reading…
How Does the Rhizosphere Effect Influence Plant Growth and Soil Health?
The rhizosphere is the soil surrounding the plant root and soil interface. Root exudates, controlled by plant species, functional type, root traits, and biomes, can determine the biology, physics, and chemistry of the rhizosphere effect. The rhizosphere effect can enhance nutrient availability and defense at the plant level; carbon and nutrient cycling and possible bioremedial… Continue reading…