Latest root-measurement-plants

Fixed leaf image

Insider Look: Unearthing the Secrets of Root Growth Vigor with Ehsan From True Organic’s R&D Department

In a recent conversation with Scott (CID), Ehsan shared his work in the R&D department of True Organic, where he focuses on improving crop vigor by creating a better environment for crops. Specifically, he discussed using rhizotrons to measure and visualize root growth in response to various fertilizer treatments. Although Ehsan encountered some difficulties and… Continue reading…

The 10 most-cited Studies on Root Research in 2022

Roots are vital for resource acquisition and transport, determining plant growth, ability to withstand stress, and biomass accumulation. However, roots can also be affected by the environment and soil flora and fauna. Being underground, the root system, the “hidden half of plants,” has only lately been studied in detail after the development of modern tools… Continue reading…

Discover the Revolutionary CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager for Non-Destructive Root Imaging

Discover how non-destructive, high-resolution root imaging can enhance your plant and crop research with the CID Bio-Science CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager. This portable tool makes it simple to observe root growth and behavior with unparalleled accuracy, giving you a holistic view of plant health that can help you optimize crop production and enhance forest sustainability.… Continue reading…

Augusto Ohashi - agronomist

Uncovering the Roots of Success: an Agronomist’s Experience Using a Root Imager For Sugar Cane Production in Brazil

Augusto Ohashi, an agronomist and master’s student at the Federal University of São Carlos, was part of a research project to improve sugar cane yield and biofuel efficiency. To gather insights into the impacts of irrigation and fertilization on crop growth and development, Augusto utilized a root imager to non-destructively study the root systems of… Continue reading…

The Importance of Plant Research in 2023

It may sound surprising in this age of accelerating manufacturing, but we need more plant research than ever before. We need to provide food security for a growing population in a changing climate. So novel cropping systems are necessary without harming the environment.  Basic research will improve our understanding of plants to the environment, while… Continue reading…

Image of a person inserting a CID Bio-Science minirhizotron into a root tube.

10 Vital Minirhizotron Applications for Agricultural Research

Minirhizotrons are a recent addition to a scientist’s toolbox, providing information on underground dynamics. Scientists can explore the relationship between roots and shoots along with the cumulative effect on crop yield. Using minirhizotron systems improves our knowledge of root responses to the environment, fertilizers, irrigation, and tillage, enhancing crop water and nutrient use efficiency. Ten… Continue reading…

Hidden Influence: Root system architecture and crop response to nutrition, irrigation, and climate

Continuous in situ root growth monitoring gives researchers a vital window into the hidden influences on what we see above ground. Dive into this in-depth discussion with Dr. Shiwangni Rao and Dr. Elmi Lotze, two prominent researchers digging into the complex relationship between crops, their roots, and their environment.

man stands measuring water height in a wetland environment

Using Minirhizotrons in Wetland Studies

Understanding underground carbon fluxes in wetlands has been challenging since the standard methods have primarily been destructive. Non-destructive minirhizotrons were tested as a possible solution to studying underground dynamics. Minirhizotron installation, anchorage, image capture and analysis, and data upscaling recommendations are made to meet the needs of the unique environment of wetlands. A Methodological Framework… Continue reading…

5 Ways to Improve Water Use Efficiency

Improving water use efficiency, the ratio of yield to water supplied can boost food production for a growing population without additional use of limited water resources. Water use efficiency for food production can be improved at the farm or plant level. On farms, this can be achieved through optimized management. At the plant level, improvements… Continue reading…

Hops in the heat: CID root imager and research on hops

Plant Physiologist Shinsuke Agehara (University of Florida) sits down with Application Scientist Eric Munoz (CID Bio-Science) to talk about root imaging and growing hops in the subtropics. CI-600 In-Situ Root Imager: CI-602 Narrow Gauge Root Imager:

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