Latest videos

CI-600 Non-Destructive Root Imager Demonstration for Plant Root Analysis
The CI-600 and CI-602 Root Imagers enable researchers to non-destructively analyze root systems, mycorrhizae and soil conditions.
Photosynthesis Analysis with the CI-340 [WEBINAR]
Our latest webinar in which we discuss the many applications of photosynthesis analysis, including green roof analysis with guest Dr. Olyssa Starry, Assistant Professor of Urban Ecology.
CI 203 Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter (Updated 2015)
The CI-203 is, without question, the best leaf area meter in the market. We have also improved the instruments ability to accurately measure delicate leaves, including a feature that allows the researcher to see an image after each measurement to insure a successful scan. Built-in GPS tagging adds a location for each data set and… Continue reading…