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Can Spectroscopy Predict Leaf Traits Across Ecosystems?

June 24, 2024 at 5:16 pm | Updated June 24, 2024 at 5:16 pm | 12 min read

Yes, but with caveats. Leaf traits are used to understand plant growth, functional diversity, and ecosystem processes. Several traits spanning functional groups and geographies can be easily predicted using general models based on spectral data. However, all models cannot have global applications without validation, as the relationship between traits and spectral data is not the… Continue reading…

Fixed leaf image

Additional reading

Understanding Drought Impact on Crop Yield: Stages, Mechanisms, and Adaptations.

Drought’s impact on crop yield affects plant stages differently, moderated by genotype and external environmental factors. Very early drought can inhibit germination and seedling establishment, reducing stand density and yield. Drought during reproductive and grain filling can reduce yield quantity and quality more than during the growth phases. Drought is the primary environmental stress crop… Continue reading…

How Does the Rhizosphere Effect Influence Plant Growth and Soil Health?

The rhizosphere is the soil surrounding the plant root and soil interface. Root exudates, controlled by plant species, functional type, root traits, and biomes, can determine the biology, physics, and chemistry of the rhizosphere effect. The rhizosphere effect can enhance nutrient availability and defense at the plant level; carbon and nutrient cycling and possible bioremedial… Continue reading…

Advances in the Measurement of Root Turnover with Minirhizotron Technology

Root turnover rates are complex to measure as growth and death co-occur in plants. Minirhizotron is a standard method for estimating root turnover as it is non-destructive, rapid, and accurate. One challenge in the widespread use of minirhizotrons for root turnover is the lack of analysis methods to directly convert root scans to turnover estimation.… Continue reading…

Drought Effects on Forest Productivity

The effects of increasingly frequent and severe droughts are reported globally. Forest productivity decreases due to reduced growth, canopy dieback, and tree mortality. Drought effects are not even and are influenced by internal and external factors. Some adaptation measures to drought-proof forests are suggested based on available information. Drought intensity, frequency, duration, and extent are… Continue reading…

What We Learned About Roots in 2023

Most studies in 2023 focused on root responses to agricultural practices to improve yield using fewer resources. Research into the basic science of roots and the influence of biotic and abiotic factors are the second significant areas of study. Fine roots are a particular area of focus, given their importance in nutrient and water uptake… Continue reading…

Measuring Heat Stress on Forest Trees

The impact of high temperatures directly and alone on trees is significant without the associated drought. Heat effects are recorded at cellular, leaf, and tree levels, inhibiting tree growth and productivity or even mortality. More research is necessary to fully understand the effects of heat stress, which must be supported by on-site, non-destructive data collection… Continue reading…